For those seeking a non-drug treatment for their chronic pain, Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation or PEMF therapy as it is called may be the answer. This form of therapy is non-invasive, but the pulses reach the cellular level to stimulate the healing process.
While the full range of PEMF therapy has yet to be fully discovered, there are several types of injuries along with diseases that may be treated using this process. Whether it works for you will depend on several factors.
What is PEMF Therapy?
This type of therapy uses pulses along magnetic frequencies that are low in intensity. The low frequencies penetrate the skin and help stimulate the body’s natural processes to heal bones, tendons, and even organs. In addition, pulses also reduce pain and help modulate long-term issues such as diabetes and depression.
To put it another way, electromagnetic pulses help stimulate the body to respond which in turn accelerates the healing process.
Benefits of Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation
There are several advantages to using this unique process. Perhaps the most important is that it does not use drugs. Instead, the process uses the body’s own resources to address certain issues such as the following:
- Bone, Muscle, and Organ Repair
- Neuroplasticity and Improved Blood Circulation
- Pain Relief and Boost to Immune System
In addition, PEMF therapy also contributes an anti-allergen effect which reduces the symptoms of certain allergies or allergic reactions.
Most importantly, this type of therapy is safe, non-invasive, and uses the body’s own natural resources to promote proper healing. It has been approved by the FDA and other international organizations for use in a wide range of treatments.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation has been used in a wide range of cases that range from acute physical injuries to long-term chronic conditions such as lower back pain. In addition, patients who suffer from multiple sclerosis and fatigue from certain cancer treatments have benefited from including this form of therapy as part of the healing process.
Why Choose PEMF Therapy?
For those who are looking for a proven, alternate method of treating certain conditions, Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation may be the answer. The process is designed to accelerate the body’s own natural recovery. Plus, it helps to correct dysfunction at the cellular level. The result is that the cells themselves are stimulated and energized in a natural way.
This form of therapy has been around for some time, but only relatively recently has it been used to treat certain types of injuries along with diseases and physical conditions. Top athletes have used this type of therapy to help boost their performance without the use of drugs or stimulants.
Only those who are pregnant, undergoing chemotherapy, suffer from epilepsy, have a leading or clotting disorder, or implanted electronic devices such as pacemakers are not recommended to have this type of therapy applied. Otherwise, most people are qualified to undergo treatment with little to no unwanted side effects.
PEMF therapy or Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation carries great promise with minimal risk for unwanted side effects. For those who do not want prescription medications, this form of therapy may offer considerable benefits.